Dental Implants

What are dental Implants?

Dental Implants are small, sturdy screw like posts, made up of highly bio-compatible, titanium material; those are surgically inserted into the jaw bone underneath the gums.

They perfectly integrate with jaw bone & act as permanent artificial tooth root structures, to support single/multiple teeth replacement. Different studies show that, the success rate of Dental Implants is above 99%.

Why Dental Implants?
➢ They look, feel & function like natural teeth, restoring ability to chew.
➢ Are permanent, reliable & designed to last for many years.
➢ Prevent bone loss & gum recession, hence adjacent teeth.
➢ Give excellent aesthetic appearance, restoring natural smile.
➢ Very easy to maintain & clean. Just like natural teeth.
➢ Improve comfort & Confidence.

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